how to use operator in php

By | October 19, 2019

Operator in php- Like any other programming language operator play a very important role in php. Operator is a symbol as like +, -, *, / , etc. Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

Php support a rich set of built in operator we have already used several of them such as equal to add(+)Minus(-)  multiplication(*) and division(/) operator is a symbol that tells the computer to perform certain mathematics or logical manipulation. operators are used in program to manipulate data and variables. they usually form a part of mathematical or logical expression.

Types of operator in php- In the php has many operator these are the

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Increment / Decrements Operators
  • Array Operators
  • String Operators


Arithmetic Operators -: The php Arithmetic Operators use the numeric value as like add(+)Minus(-)  multiplication(*) and division(/)  etc.

For example of adding two number..

<!DOCTYPE html>

        $a = 14;  
        $b = 7;

      echo $a + $b;


Output of this program


Like this way we use all numeric operator in  php

<!DOCTYPE html>

        $a = 14;  
        $b = 7;

      echo $a - $b;
      echo "<br>";
      echo $a * $b;
      echo "<br>";
      echo $a / $b;
      echo "<br>";
      echo $a % $b;


Output of this program



Comparison operator in php-: Comparison operator are use to compare two values as like equal (=), not equal (!=) etc. For example equal (=)

<!DOCTYPE html>

        $a = 7;  
        $b = "7";

      var_dump($a == $b);



Output of this program


Another example of comparison operator

<!DOCTYPE html>

        $a = 7;  
        $b = "7";

      var_dump($a === $b); //identical 
      echo "<br>";
      var_dump($a != $b); //not equal 
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a <> $b); //not equal
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a !== $b); //not identical 
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a > $b); //grater then 
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a < $b); //less than
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a >= $b); //grater than equal to 
      echo "<br>"; 
      var_dump($a <= $b); //less than equal to 
      echo "<br>"; 



Output of this program



Assignment operator in php-:  This operator used to assign variable value of numeric. The basic assignment operator is ( “= ” ). It means the left side value is equal to right side for example if we write (a = b). Then the value of a and b are the same. php use this operator for many way like

<!DOCTYPE html>

        $a = 7;  
        echo $a; 
        echo "<br>";
        $b +=20;  // for adding 
        echo $b;
        echo "<br>";
       $c -=20;   // for subtract
       echo $c;
       echo "<br>";

      $e = 20; 
      echo $d * $e ; // for multiple
      echo "<br>";

         $f /= 4;  // for division
         echo $f;
         echo "<br>"; 
        $g =20;
        $g %= 6;
        echo $g ;
        echo "<br>";



Output of this program



Logical operator in php-: These operator are use combine condition statement. These are the and,or,not etc. types. A list has been given here these operators

  • And logical operator(&&) -: when the both condition are same
  •  Or logical operator(!!)-: One condition is true and another is false
  • not  logical operator (!)-: either both are same or false


A complete example of logical operator are given here..

<!DOCTYPE html> 
       $a = 7; 
       $b = 10; 
      if(&a == 7 && $b == 10)
     echo "hello netnic" ;
   echo "<br>";

     $c=7 ;
    $d=8 ;
    if ($c==7 || $d ==6)
        echo "hello netnic";
    echo "<br>";

        $e = 20;
       if($e !== 10)
         echo "hello netnic php";


Output of this program

hello netnic
hello netnic
hello netnic php


Increment and decrements operator in php-: This operator are use the variable value.These are the increment (i++) and decrements (i–) operator of any variable. These are use in four way as like

  • ++$a -: Pre increment. It means it increase the one value in “a” and return the value of “a”
  •  $a++ -: post increment. It means it return the value in “a” and increase in value one.
  • –%a -: Pre decrements. it means in decrease the one valuie in “a” and return the value of”a”.
  • $a– post decrements. It means it return the value and decrease the value of “a”

A complete example of increment and decrements operator

<!DOCTYPE html> 
     $a = 10;
     echo ++$a;
     echo $a;
     echo "<br>";

     $b = 10;
    echo $b++;
    echo $b;
    echo "<br>";

    $c = 10;
    echo --$c;
    echo $c;
    echo "<br>";

    $d = 10;
    echo $d--;
    echo $d;
    echo "<br>";

Output of this program



Array operator in php-:This type operator are used to compare array.These are the

  • union(+) a+b;
  • equality (++) like a==b;
  • identity (===) like a===b;
  • Inequality(!=)
  • non identity (!==)
  • inequality (<>)


String operator in php-: There are two type string operator are use in php. these are the (.) concatenation  and  (.=) concatenation assignment operators.For example of these operator

<!DOCTYPE html>


   $netnic1 = "Hello";   // example of concatenation 
   $netnic2 = " netnic";
   echo $netnic1 . $netnic2;
   echo "<br>";

 $netnic1 = "Hello"; // example of concatenation  assignment 
 $netnic2 = " netnic";
 echo $netnic1 .= $netnic2;
 echo $netnic1;



Output of this program

Hello netnic
Hello netnicHello netnic


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