client server computing

By | November 24, 2018

client server computing-:

In this process the clients requests for the data and the server provides that data.  A server may provide  multiple clients at the same time.while a client is in contact with only one server.
Both the client and server usually communicate via a computer network but sometimes they may reside in the same system.

client–server model:-It is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or  means who provide the data to the client called the server.

who get the request called clients. Often clients and servers communicate over a computer network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside in the same system.

A server host runs  many server programs which share their resources with clients. A client does not share any of its resources, but requests a server’s content or service function.

In other word we can say that a client/server system is “a networked computing model that distributes processes between clients and servers, which supply the requested service. A client/server network connects many computers, called clients, to a main computer, called a server.

A client can be defined as a networked information solicitor, usually a desktop computer or workstation, that can query database and/or other information from a server.

The Client handles the presentations logic, processing logic, and much of the storage logic. The client provides the graphical interface, while the server provides access to shared resources, typically a database. Objects break up the client and server sides of an application into smart components that can work across networks

Use the client–server model are Email, network printing, and the World Wide Web.

Difference between the server and the client computers-:  Server is ordinarily faster and has more than storage space. The server generally performs most of the processing tasks. Some servers are dedicated to performing a specific task such as printing or managing files.. A client server network typically provides an efficient means to connect  more computers together.

Client and server communication-: The client only has to understand the response based on the well-known application protocol. Client asked the resources and server give the information to the client.

Characteristics of Client Server Computing-:   The client server computing works with a system of request and response.

The client sends a request to the server and the server give the responds with the desired information.
Both the system follow  a common communication protocol so they can easily interact with each other. All the communication protocols are available at the application layer.
A server can only accommodate a limited number of client requests at a time. So it uses a system based to priority to respond to the requests.

Difference between Client Server Computing and Peer to Peer Computing-:  client server computing is a server is a central node that services many client nodes. Although in a peer to peer system, the nodes collectively use their resources and communicate with each other.
In client server computing the server is the one that communicates with the other nodes. In peer to peer to computing, all the nodes are equal and share data with each other directly.
Client Server computing is believed to be a subcategory of the peer to peer computing.
Advantages of Client Server Computing-: Necessary data is concentrated in a single place on the server. So it is easy to protect the data and provide authorisation and authentication.
The server need not be located physically close to the clients. Yet the data can be accessed efficiently.
It is easy to replace, upgrade or relocate the nodes in the client server model because all the nodes are independent and request data only from the server.

All the nodes i.e clients and server may not be build on similar platforms yet they can easily facilitate the transfer of data.

Disadvantages of Client Server Computing:- When all the clients simultaneously request data from the server in one time it may get overloaded.
When the  server fails for any reason, then none of the requests of the clients can not  be fulfilled. This leads of failure of the client server network.
The cost of setting and maintaining a client server model are quite high.

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