Unix file system and dictionary-:
Unix file system is a collection of files on a particular disk or partition. A partition is a able for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired.
The Unix file system is using a methodology for organising logically and storing large data such that the system is easy to manage.
hard drive has a many partitions which usually contain only one file system as like one file system housing the file system or another using the home file system.
Unix File system -: There are three types Unix file system.
- Ordinary file
- Directory files
- Devices files
Ordinary File-: The ordinary file has contains data, text, or program instructions. These file store our information such as like text,picture,video. This is Used to store Our information as like some text that we have written or an image we have drawn.
In long-format output of ls -l, this type of file is specified by the “-” symbol.
Directory -: These are store both special and ordinary files. These directory file contains an entry for every file and sub-directory that . If we have 20 files in a directory, there will be 20 entries in the directory. Each entry has two components.
1.The Filename
2. A unique identification number for the file or directory
It is Used to organise groups of files.
All directory files are descendants of the root directory, located at the top of the tree.
This type of file is specified by the “d” symbol.
The directories have specific purposes and generally use the same types of information for easily locating files.Here are some ..
- “/” This is the root directory which should contain only the directories needed at the top level of the file structure
- cat – This command is use display entire file(s) in the terminal window (a
- cd – By the help of this command we can change the current directory
- cp – this command is use for copy file
- “/bin” by this command we can search execute files and use can get available to all users
- chmod – by the help of this command we can change file protection modes
- lpr -we can send file to the line printer
- mkdir – By this command we can create a new directory
- more – nicely view the contents of file(s)
- mv – move (and/or rename) file(s)
- /dev this is use for device drivers
- pwd – print absolute path name of currently working directory
- rm this command is use for remove the file
- rmdir – This command is use for remove an empty directory
- umask -This command is use of set file mode creation mask
Device file-: This is special file that is using to describe a physical device as like a printer . This file has no data.
Example-: character device files, block device files, Unix domain sockets, named pipes and symbolic links.