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Wizard control in csharp

Wizard Control In csharp-: This is a advance control its definition is a step by step process to perform any task. In this process we can perform any task by clicking next, if we have any mistake in process we can go to back to previous step. Sometime we want to break process in… Read More »

Radio button control in csharp

Introduction of Radio Button control-: This is another server side control.Radio Button are the option button in which we can select one option at a time. The radio button list control provide a single selection checked list.Like other list control, radiobuttonlist has an item collection with member that correspond to each item in the list.… Read More »

Checkbox in csharp

Introduction of checkbox in csharp-: checkbox is used to allow user to select multiple as if we are providing training for multiple technologies then we can use checkbox to allow select multiple courses.Now we can call server side c# code when the user checked or unchecked. There are two type check box… Read More »