Category Archives: dbms

open database connectivity

Open Database Connectivity-: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)is a widely accepted application programming interface for database access. ODBC is designed for maximum interoperability as like the ability of a single application to access different database management system with the same source code. DBMS application call functions in the ODBC interface which are implemented in database specific… Read More »

object oriented database management system

Object Oriented Database Management System(OODBMS)-: In recent years, several database applications have emerged whose complexities is not well handled by the relational database system as relational database system supports a fixed set of data type which is inadequate for such complex applications. These complex applications typically involve data that are highly interrelated such as product… Read More »

limitation of rdbms

limitation of rdbms-:We can easily see that in the changing scenario of web, advance and complex applications requirements are not easily satisfied by traditional RDBMS.  Following are the limitations of RDBMS due to which it is required to enhance it and equip it with new features : 1. Model Value Based Rather than Entity Based -:… Read More »

Object database system

Introduction -:In recent years, several database applications have emerged whose complexities is not well handled by the relational database system as relational database system supports a fixed set of data type which is inadequate for such complex applications. These complex applications typically involve data that are highly interrelated such as product definitions, multimedia content, or… Read More »

 Evolution Towards Object Oriented Paradigm

                      Evolution Towards Object Oriented Paradigm Relational Database System proves to be a powerful tool for maintaining and storing data. But there are certain complex applications which involve highly interrelated and complex data such as audio, video, digital signatures, product specifications,bills, excel sheets etc. OODBMS… Read More »

transaction control language in sql

Transaction Control Language (TCL)-: TCL is the part of structure query language.It managed transaction in database.Understanding TCL we Divided TCL in some like A. Database Transaction:-The server ensures data consistency based on transactions. Transactions give we more flexibility and control when changing data, and they ensure data consistency in the event of user process failure… Read More »

Data Manipulation Language in sql

Data Manipulation Language (DML)-:Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a core part of SQL. When we want to add, update or delete data in the database, we execute a DML statement. A collection of DML statements that form a logical unit of work is called transaction. DML Statements : Statement Purpose Insert Add rows to table… Read More »