java script operator

By | April 27, 2018

Java script operator -: Like any other language java script is supporting many type operator . These are

Arithmetic operator-: Arithmetic operator use to calculate the value of mathematics operators as like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modules,increment,and decrements as like

  • Addition -: It add the value and sign of this (+)   example                                 x=2; y=3;     x+y=5; result
  • Subtraction-: It subtraction the value and sign of this (-)  like it              x=7; y=3;     x-y=5; result
  • Multiplication -:  It Multiplication the value and sign of this (*)   example                                 x=2; y=3;     x*y=6; result
  • division -: It division the value and sign of this (/)   example                                 x=18; y=3;     x/y=6; result
  • Modules -:  It modules the value and sign of this (%)   it is a division remainder of the value  example                                                                                     x=20; y=3;     x%y=2; result
  • Increment -:  It increment the value and sign of this (++) . It add one in any value  example               x=15;     x++=16; result
  • Decrement-: It decrease the value and sign of this (–)   example                                 x=18;     x–=17; result

Assignment operator-: It assign the value means it compare the two value and show the relation between them.example  x=y; These are same

Comparison operators -: This operators is use for comparison two value means it use equal or greater then or less then 

==   is equal to  when value is same a=b;

!= is not equal   when value is not same   a!=b;

>  greater then      when a is greater then b  .  a>b;

<   less than  when a is less then b.    a<b;

>=   greater then equal      a>=b; a is big or equal

<=  less then equal     a<= b;  a is less then b or equal

Logical operators-: Like c language in java script three type of logical operator  and(&&), or(||) , not(!)  example if x=6 and y=4 the operators is use like this way

(x<10 && y>1)   returns true;

String operators in java script-: a string is most often text for a example “netnic”. To stick two or more string variables together use the + operator.   txtname1=” Tips and technic”;                                                                                   txtname1=”of computer and internet” ;                                                                      txtname3=txtname+txtname;

the variable txtname3 now contains ” Tips and technic of computer and intenet:.

Condition operator-: java script also contains a conditional operators that assign a value to a variable based on some condition  as like             varibalename =(condition)?value1:value2;

example-: greeting=(visitors==”PRES”)?”Dear sir”:”hello”;

result-: If the variable visitors is equal to PRES, then put the string ” Dear sir” in the variable named greeting. if the variable visitor is not equal to PRES, then put the string name “hello” into the variable name greeting .

Conditional operator-: when we write the code we want to different actions for different decision. here we can use conditional operation as like If Statement-: this statement was written when we want to execute some code as like

<title>tips and technic of computer and internet</title>


<Script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
// write a “good morning ” greeting if
//the is less then 10
var d=new Date()
var time=d.getHours()

document.write(“<b> Good morning</b>”)



If ….else statement -:  This condition is when one condition is true and another is false as like

<title>tips and technic of computer and internet</title>


<Script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
// write a “good morning ” greeting if
//the is less then 10
var d=new Date()
var time=d.getHours()

document.write(“<b> Good morning</b>”)




document.write(“<b> Good day</b>”)




If….else …if…else statement- it is called nested if…else condition  example of this

<title>tips and technic of computer and internet</title>


<Script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
// write a “good morning ” greeting if
//the is less then 10
var d=new Date()
var time=d.getHours()

document.write(“<b> Good morning</b>”)
else if(time >10 && time <16)
document.write(“<b> Good day </b>”)
document.write(“<b> hello netnic </b>”)


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