Introduction of Notepad -: Notepad is a very important tool for windows. It is looks like a text editors. In the notepad we can create many type file. We can create a XML file, Text file, Bat file,HTML file etc. Notepad provide the facility for saving these file in any format. If we want to save these file in xml format we can save it or .txt file or .html file or .bat file etc. we can save it.
How to open notepad-: This is very easy to open. Notepad is already installed in your system with the operating system. If you are using window then click the start menu then select the all program button here.
After select he all program button here. Then choose the accessories button. Then a new menu will open here you get the notepad button click it. It will open.
Another way you can find the search button and write notepad and press enter.
Create a game in Notepad
For creating a game in notepad open the notepad and write the code here. For creating a game it is necessary which type game you want to create. In the notepad we used the echo ,echo. and pause etc.
echo -: echo is used to display regular text in our game.This is the first line of our game. we write this code @echo off. For example we can type: “echo welcome education game!”, and the people playing our game they will see is ” welcome education game “.It is very long so we write the @echo off.
echo.-: This is very useful in our game. It create a blank line in our game.
pause-: This is very useful command. by the help of this command we can pause the game and take the break during the game.
cls-: cls is a command that we use it. It stands for clear screen. This is use for clear the screen and what it does is remove all of the text that has been made in the command prompt window . This is a good tool when you want to keep our game looking clean and well order.
set /p variable= This command is used when we want our player to insert a variable . This could be anywhere from their name to the name of a weapon or even the answer to one of the choices we have given them. Often times this variable will be referenced later and therefore must be given a name.
if – this command is used when we create if/then statements. We can use it in conjunction with “set /p” in order to create choices for are players.
5 Fruit game example here-: Apple, Orange, Mango, Grapes, Banana.
@echo off
title game developed by netnic team
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Main Menu
echo To Play A Game, Press 1
echo To Add new Words, Press 2
echo To exit, Press 3
set /p menu=
if not defined menu goto menu
if /i %menu% equ 1 (
set menu=
goto Startgame
if /i %menu% equ 2 (
set menu=
goto addwords
if /i %menu% equ 3 (
set menu=
set finishing=1
goto :EOF
set menu=
goto menu
Echo Type the word you'd like to add to the dictionary and press enter.
set /p wordtoadd=""
if NOT defined wordtoadd (
goto addwords)
set justchecking=1
set wcheck=0
call :w%wcheck%
if defined finishing (goto :EOF)
echo :w%wcheck%>>netnic.bat
echo set word=%wordtoadd%>>netnic.bat
echo goto gotword>>netnic.bat
set justchecking=
set wordtoadd=
set wcheck=
echo Word Added
goto menu
set /a wcheck= %wcheck% + 1
goto wordadd
set hang=12
set /a randomnumber=%time:~9,2%
call :w%randomnumber%
if defined finishing (goto :EOF>nul)
set /a randomnumber= ( %randomnumber% * ( ( %randomnumber% * 75 ) /100 ) ) / ( %randomnumber% + 14 ) + ( %randomnumber% * 4 ) / ( %randomnumber% * 3 )
if /i randomnumber GEQ 10 (
set randomnumber=%randomnumber:~0,2%
) ELSE (
set randomnumber=%randomnumber:~0,1%
goto numberadjustment
if defined justchecking (goto goodcheck)
set letternumber=0
set x=!letternumber!
set Letter%letternumber%=!word:~%x%,1!
set Space%letternumber%=_
if NOT "!Letter%letternumber%!"=="" (
set /a letternumber= %letternumber% + 1
goto lettersorting
set space=
set /a spacenumber=0
set space=%space% #Space%spacenumber%#
set /a spacenumber= %spacenumber% + 1
if /i %spacenumber% equ %letternumber% (goto 1guess) else (goto spacecalculator)
set score=0
set allguesses=letters:
goto hang%hang%
Echo Guess The fruit name: %space:#=!%
if %hang%==1 ( echo Last Guess!) else (
echo %Hang% Guesses Left
echo You've guessed these %allguesses%
echo Guess Your Letter
set guess=
Set /p guess=
if not defined guess (goto guess)
set guess=%guess:~0,1%
if "%guess%"=="!" (goto guess)
echo You Guessed %guess%
if "%allguesses:~8%"=="" goto SkipCheckAlreadyGuess
echo %allguesses:~8% | find /i "%guess%" >nul
if /i %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo You've already guessed that.
goto guess
set allguesses=%allguesses% %guess%
set poonumber=%letternumber%
if not defined score (set score=0)
if not defined oldscore (set oldscore=0)
set verifyletter=!Letter%poonumber%!
if /i "%guess%"=="%verifyletter%" (
set /a score= !score! + 1
goto letteradjust
goto resume
set Space%poonumber%=!Letter%poonumber%!
set !Letter%poonumber%=LETTERDONE
set /a poonumber=%poonumber% - 1
if /i %poonumber% lss 0 (goto noletter)
goto processguess
if /i %score% GTR %oldscore% (goto gotletter)
Echo Sorry, wrong.
set /a hang= !hang! - 1
if !hang!==0 (goto dead)
set /a oldscore= %score%
goto guess
echo Well done!
if %letternumber%==%score% (goto win)
set /a oldscore= %score%
goto guess
echo Sorry, you died.
echo The word was "%word%".
goto endofall
echo You Won!
echo The word was "%word%"!
echo Well done!
set space=
set cheddar=
set word=
set oldscore=
set score=
set letternumber=
set poonumber=
set spacenumber=
set anotherword=
set randomnumber=
set hang=
set guess=
set verifyletter=
set x=0
if defined Letter%x% (
set Letter%x%=
set /a x= %x% + 1
goto endset
set x=0
if defined Space%x% (
set Letter%x%=
set /a x= %x% + 1
goto endset2
set x=
echo Go to the menu (enter 1) or quit (enter 2)?
set /p cheddar=""
if not defined cheddar goto askagain
if %cheddar%==1 (
set cheddar=
goto menu)
if %cheddar%==2 (
set finishing=1
goto :EOF)
goto askagain
goto keepguessing
echo ________________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo ______________________________
echo [ ]_____________________________]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]____________________________]
echo [ ] / /
echo [ ] / /
echo [ ] / /
echo [ ]/ /
echo [ ] /
echo [ ] /
echo [ ]/
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo ______________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (_)
echo [ ]/ /
echo [ ] /
echo [ ] /
echo [ ]/
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/ [ ]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [_]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/ [ ]_______
echo [ ] [ ]_______]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [_]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/ _______[ ]_______
echo [ ] [_______[ ]_______]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [_]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/ _______[ ]_______
echo [ ] [_______[ ]_______]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] / _ \
echo [ ] /__ \ \
echo [ ] \ \
echo [ ] \_\
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
echo _____________________________
echo [ ]__________________(-)________]
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / (-)
echo [ ] / / _(_)_
echo [ ]/ / / *_* \
echo [ ] / ] ___ [
echo [ ] / \_____/
echo [ ]/ _______[ ]_______
echo [ ] [_______[ ]_______]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] [ ]
echo [ ] / _ \
echo [ ] / / \ \
echo [ ] / / \ \
echo [ ] /_/ \_\
echo [ ]
echo [_]_____________________________
echo [________________________________]
goto keepguessing
set word=Apple
goto gotword
set word=Grapes
goto gotword
set word=Banana
goto gotword
set word=Mango
goto gotword
set word=Orange
goto gotword
After writing this code in your notepad save the file. Suppose if we are saving the file name of fruitgame then give the file name fruitname.bat and click the save button as like here.
After giving the name fruitgame.bat select save as type here All Files and click the save button. It will save in your System. After go to the file and double click. It will show in your command prompt here as like.
You can play game here and you can add some text name here as you like.
What is the Bat file -: Batch is a language that runs primarily out of our Windows command prompt. By the help of this language we can create amazing text-based games.