dbms vs file system

By | December 17, 2018

File system-:A file system is a process that manages  data into the hard disk drive (HDD). Data are  stored, accessed and managed. It is a logical disk component that manages a disk’s internal operations as it relates to a computer and is abstract to a human user.

Without a file system, data  stored information wouldn’t be isolated into individual files and would be difficult to identify and retrieve.

in other words we can say that A file system is the methods and data structures that an operating system uses to keep track of files on a disk or partition. That is the way the files are organized on the disk.  These system performed normal record keeping function this is called Data processing system.


There are various drawback of the conventional data file processing environment. these ate

  1. Data redundancy  -:  Some data elements as like name, address, identification codes are used in various application. Since data is required by multiple application and it is stored in multiple data files. In most cases there is a repetition of data files. This is referred to as data redundancy .
  2. Data integrity problems-: Data redundancy is one reason for data integrity problems. Means  same data are stored in different places. For example If an instructor of Microprocessor technology begin to take course computer application this needs to be reflected in more than one place
  3. Data availability constraints-: When data is scatted in different files the availability of information from combination of files is constrained some extent.

Advantage of DBMS over File system

As we know that the file system store data in the form of records and data which are files managed by operating system and uses application programme to extract information from the file.

A major advantage of database approach has over the conventional approach is that database system provides centralized control data.  These are

Reduced Redundancy-: Each application does not have to maintain its own data files. Data can be integrated and used by multiple application.

Ensure Consistency- Different programme use different language which may cause duplication of information in several files. This duplication results in higher storage and access cost. example if we ate using address in two place and want to change in one place in the file system does not providing this facility But DBMS providing this guarantee that the database is never inconsistency.

Data manipulation Capability-: DBMS providing data manipulation facility and in the file system require an application programme for processing data stored in file according to needs of user. If the user needs get changed then a different application programme is require.

Data Independence-: in the file system the requirement of the application the way in which the data is stored and access techniques.Besides the knowledge of the organization of the and the access techniques ate built into the logic and code of the application. These system are data depend.

Automatic and Transaction management system. -: File system does not ensure completion of transaction and it may cause problems of data inconsistency. This problems can be easily solved by DBMS.

Security-: File system does not providing any security to the data stored and there are no authentication right provided to the user for files.In DBMS providing guarantee the authentication person can access the database.

Integrity-: Inconsistency between two entries cab lead to integrity  problems. If there is no redundancy the database cab still be Inconsistency.



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