java introduction

By | April 1, 2019

Java Introduction-: Java is currently one of the most influential programming languages. It was started in 1990  when an American company that was leading the revolution in the computer industry decided to gather its best engineers together to design and develop a product that would allow them to become an important player in the new emerging Internet world. Among those engineers was James Arthur Gosling, a Canadian computer scientist who is recognised as the “father” of the Java programming language. It would take five years of design, programming, and one rename (from Oak to Java because of trademark issues), but finally in 1996, Java 1.0 was released for Linux, Solaris, Mac, and Windows.

When Java Was Owned by Sun Micro-systems
The first version of Java was released in 1996. There was a small team named the Green Team that worked on a prototype language named Oak  which was introduced to the world with a working demo—an interactive handheld home entertainment controller called the Star 7.

The star of the animated touch-screen user interface was a cartoon character named Duke , created by one of the team’s graphic artists, Joe Palrang. Over the years, Duke has become the official Java technology mascot, and every JavaOne conference has its own Duke mascot personality and the most simple version is depicted here


The Green Team released it to the world via the Internet because that was the fastest way to create widespread adoptions.

Java 1.0 was released at the first JavaOne conference—with over 6000 attendees. It started out as a language named Oak3 that was really similar to C++ and was designed for handheld devices and set-top boxes. It evolved into the first version of Java, which provided developers some advantages that C++ did not as like

  • security : In Java, there is no danger of reading bogus data when accidentally going over the size of an array.
  • automatic memory management : A Java developer does not have to check if there is enough memory to allocate for an object and then deal locate it explicitly the operations are automatically handled by the garbage collector. This also means that pointers are not necessary.
  • simplicity : There are no pointers, unions, templates, structures. Mostly anything in Java can be declared as a class. Also, confusion when using multiple inheritance is avoided by modifying the inheritance model and not allowing multiple class inheritance.
  • support for multi-threaded execution : Java was designed from the start to support development of multi-threaded software.
  • portability : A Java motto is Write it once, run it everywhere. This is made possible by the Java virtual machine, which is covered shortly.


Why Java Profitable-: Java is what we call a high-level programming language that allows a developer to write programs that are independent of a particular type of computer. High-level languages are easier to read, write, and maintain. But their code must be translated by a compiler or interpreted into machine language (unreadable by humans because is it made up of numbers) to be executed  because that is the only language that computers understand.

I mentioned a few times that Java is portable and that Java programs can run on any operating system. Java can run Linux jvm, Window jvm, Mac jvm and Solaris jvm.

In top of the operating systems a JVM is needed to execute a Java program. JVM stands for Java virtual machine, which is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. It is a platform-independent execution environment that converts Java code into machine language and executes it.


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