Data Transfer inside a Computer

All the data movements within a computer occur through buses. A bus is a group of electrical conductors, mostly wires, running parallel to each other carrying a charge form one point to another within the computer. A bus can be copper traces on a circuit board or wires in a cable. Usually, a bus is… Read More »

The language of computers

  Computer being electronic machine it knows only “ON” or “OFF” (0’ or 1’). Any data that is to be fed, processed or stored should be converted into combination of 0s and 1s. This is called binary notation and 0 or 1 is called bits. Bit is a basic memory unit. Byte is a unit… Read More »

Application Areas of Computers

The influences of computers are widespread and are used in various application areas mentioned below. Business Area:- Business people use computers to track accounts, cash transactions inventory management, to store information, order history, maintaining sale transaction records and prepare the reports. Now a days, several organizations use computers for doing transaction online. They have their… Read More »

The Equipment are computer

Computer has 3 types parts 1.Input parts keyboard , Mouse, Touch screen, Light pen, Scanner, Ternimal 2 Processing cpu (central processing unit) 3. Output Monitors, Printers,Plator, Micro film 4. Storage Unit Ic(intergrated circuit), Flappy, Hard disc, Magnetic Tape, CD, Disk

Types of Computer

According of size-:  According the size of the computer has four types. 1-Micro Computer– in this types computer are very small. in this computer microprocessor was used so its called micro computer example IBM pc. Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistant , tablets & smartphones are all types of microcomputers. These computers are the cheapest… Read More »

Generation of computer and use of equipment

First computer was established in 1946. It’s name was ENIAC(electroinical numerical intergrated and calculator ).It was developed by the J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchly Generation of computer according to changes them processor and other First Generation(1946 to 1959)—– 1.In this generation computers were very big in size 2.In this computer main part was vaccume tube Or diode… Read More »

What is computer

Computer is a electronic device that calculate very large data in a mini second. In other words Computer is an automatic apparatus for making calculation or controlling operation that are expressible in numerical or logical terms. Computer -: Computer is a small word it’s full name is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational… Read More »