Stop the unnecessary data on whats up

By | March 7, 2018

How can stop the unwanted message image and many more data on whats app-: Some time many image, video and message are download in whats app if we want to stop these unwanted data we can stop it these process.

First go to your phone menu and open the whats app.

Go to the whats app menu 

Select the setting menu

Choose the Data and storage use

here we see the media auto download

Now unchecked the all media and video

This process will help you stop the picture and video

Deleting the group chat by one task in whats app-:

In whats app some group message are very big If we want to delete them we can do this by using this command

  1. First open whats app
  2. select the group and open it  which we want to delete all the chat
  3. Go to the menu and select more option
  4. Then select the clear chat option

By using this process all the chat message of this group will be deleted

Deleting all the message of whats app:- 

Some time we want to delete all the whats app message then

1 .First open whats app the setting  now sub window will be open now we select chats

3. Choose chat history

4. Now select clear all chat

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