
By | February 6, 2019

Asp.Net Core Introduction -:  ASP.NET Core is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s popular ASP.NET web framework, released in June 2016. Recent versions of ASP.NET have seen many incremental updates, focusing on high developer productivity and prioritisation backwards compatibility. ASP.NET Core bucks that trend by making significant architectural changes that rethink the way the web framework is designed and built.

ASP.NET Core owes a lot to its ASP.NET heritage and many features have been carried forward from before, but ASP.NET Core is a new framework. The whole technology stack has been rewritten, including both the web framework and the underlying platform.

Using a web framework-: In web development, it can be daunting moving into an area with so many buzzwords and a plethora of ever-changing products.

It is not  possible to build a static web application without the use of a web framework, but its capabilities will be limited. As soon as we want to provide any kind of security or dynamism, we will  likely run into difficulties, and the original simplicity that enticed you will fade before your eyes.

When we using  desktop or mobile development frameworks for building native applications, ASP.NET Core makes writing web applications faster, easier, and more secure. It contains libraries for common things like

  • Creating dynamically changing web pages
  • Letting users log in to your web app
  • Letting users use their Facebook account to log in to your web app using
  • Providing a common structure to build maintainable applications
  • Reading configuration files
  • Serving image files
  • Logging calls to your web app

The key to any modern web application is the ability to generate dynamic web pages. A dynamic web page displays different data depending on the current logged-in user, for example, or it could display content submitted by users. Without a dynamic framework, it wouldn’t be possible to log in to websites or to have any sort of personalized data displayed on a page. In short, websites like Amazon, eBay, and Stack Overflow wouldn’t be possible.

Benefits and limitations of ASP.NET-:  The first version of ASP.NET was released in 2002 as part of .NET Framework 1.0, in response to the then conventional scripting environments of classic ASP and PHP. ASP.NET Web Forms allowed developers to rapidly create web applications using a graphical designer and a simple event model that mirrored desktop application-building techniques.

The ASP.NET framework allowed developers to quickly create new applications. It became apparent that ASP.NET Web Forms suffered from many issues, especially when building larger applications. In particular, a lack of test-ability, a complex stateful model, and limited influence over the generated HTML (making client-side development difficult) led developers to evaluate other options.

Microsoft released the first version of ASP.NET MVC in 2009, based on the Model-View-Controller pattern, a common web design pattern used in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django, and Java Spring. This framework allowed you to separate UI elements from application logic, made testing easier, and provided tighter control over the HTML-generation process.

ASP.NET MVC has been through four more iterations since its first release, but they have all been built on the same underlying framework provided by the System.Web.dll file. This library is part of .NET Framework, so it comes pre-installed with all versions of Windows. It contains all the core code that ASP.NET uses when you build a web application.

ASP.NET framework is a reliable, battle-tested platform that’s a great choice for building modern applications on Windows.

It provides a wide range of features, which have seen many years in production, and is well known by virtually all Windows web developers.

Many web developers have started looking at cross-platform web frameworks that can run on Windows, as well as Linux and mac OS. Microsoft felt the time had come to create a framework that was no longer tied to its Windows legacy, thus ASP.NET Core was born

Reason of necessary of 

  • To be run and developed cross-platform
  • To have a modular architecture for easier maintenance
  • To be developed completely as open source software
  • To be applicable to current trends in web development, such as client-side applications and deploying to cloud environments


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