Number system-: Computer is a electronic device that can not understand over language. When we type some words or letter computer convert into number because computer understand only number This Technic called number system. computer understand only binary number system 0 and 1. Number system has 4 types.
- Decimal Number System(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
- Binary number system (0, and 1)
- Octal Number System (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
- Hexadecimal number system(0,1,2,3,4,,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)
How To Convert Decimal Into Binary -: We know that the Decimal number has base 10. For converting any decimal number into binary we divide by 2.For example see here 463 is a decimal number convert into binary number
In this example we divided 463 number by 2 every time whenever the value of the divided is less than 1 or its equal. Then we start the write the binary number (111001111)2 .
(463 )10 decimal number is equal binary number (111001111)2
this is very easy method to understanding the convert decimal into binary number system. Another method of given here
Decimal Number system Binary Number
- 0 0
- 1 1
- 2 10
- 3 11
- 4 100
- 5 101
- 6 110
- 7 111
- 8 1000
- 9 1001
Binary convert into decimal number system- : We know that the computer understand only binary number system (0, and 1) .First we understand the convert decimal into binary number system now we learn how to convert binary into decimal for understanding this process we take a example.
(111001111)2 This is a binary number convert into decimal number system
(111001111)2 =( ???)10
For converting binary number into decimal is very simple follow these process as like
- First we write the binary number as like into image after we write the below of binary number base as like 2 every single binary number.
- After we give the power on the right to left. We start this 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, to n .
- Then we solve this calculation as like 2 power o = 1, 2 power 1=2 , 2 power 2 = 4 etc.
- After we calculate this power we multiply this number to binary number as like 2 power 0= 1 multiply to 1 and result get 1.
- After the multiply this number we add these number and calculate. After adding number we get the decimal number
- Result of this example (111001111)2 =( 463)10