seo strategies

By | November 15, 2018

Definition of seo strategies-: SEO strategy is the process of Groups  a website’s content by keywords, which helps search engines like Google,yahoo,bing etc. understand a user intent when searching. when search engine  optimising a web page around keywords first, They can  rank well for long-tail keywords related to that keyword

Create a list of keywords.–.

Keywords are  the heart of SEO, but these are  not our first step to an organic growth play anymore. our  first step is to make a list of keywords.To start, compile a list of about 10 to 15 short keywords and terms associated with our  product and  service. we can use  Google’s Keyword Tool to identify their search volume and come up with variations that make sense for our business.

We are associating these keywords  with popular short-tail keywords as we can tell  but we are  not dedicating individual blog posts to these keywords. These keywords are simply too competitive to rank highly for on Google,yahoo bing etc. If we are  just starting to optimise our website for search engine . We’ll go over how to use these keywords in just a minute.

Using search volume and competition as our measure, narrow down our list to 10-15 short-tail keywords that are important for us. Then rank this list in order of priority or relevance to our websites.

Every keyword is called a “Pillar” because a roof of depend on the “pillar” and it serves as the primary support for a larger “cluster” of long-tail keywords.

Create a List of Long-Tail Keywords-: 

when we start optimise  our web pages for special  keywords. as like  pillar we have  identified and use of  keyword tool to identify 10 to 15 long-tail keywords that dig deeper into the original  keywords.

Create a web page according keyword.

When it comes to websites and ranking in search engines,  It trying to get one page to rank for a handful of keywords. It is necessary every web page related to  according keyword when search engine search any keywords in your web pages if he did not  found any keywords. it don’t show your website in search engine. Create a web page for each one that outlines the keyword at a high level.using the long-tail keywords . for example we  can describe SEO in brief sections that introduce keyword research, image optimisation, SEO strategy, and other subtopics as they are identified. Think of each pillar page as a table of contents, where you’re briefing your readers on subtopics we will elaborate on in blog posts.

We can use our  keyword list to determine how many different pillar pages we  should create. Ultimately, the number of keyword  for which our create pillar pages should coincide with how many different products, offerings, and locations our business have. This will make it much easier for our prospects and customers to find you in search engines no matter what keywords they use.

Create a blog in our website-

Blog is a important part of website. It  can be an incredible way to rank for keywords and engage Our website and it’s users. Every blog post is a new web page that gives us another chance to rank in search engines. If Our business does not already have a blog  set one up. This is where we will elaborate on each subtopic and actually start showing up on Google etc.

when we  write each blog post and fill up our clusters, we  should do three things:

  1. we don’t include long tail keyword more than 3 to 4 times in a page. Google does not consider  exact keyword matches as often as it used to.  too many instances of our keyword can be a red flag to search engines that you’re “keyword stuffing.” This can penalise our website and drop our website rank.
  2. link like to be a pillar so we want do this in the form of tags in our content management system
  3. .Once we  publish each blog post, link into it from the pillar page that supports this subtopic. Find the point in our pillar page that introduces this blog’s subtopic, and link it here.
    By connecting both the pillar and the cluster in this way, we are  telling Google there’s a relationship between the long-tail keyword and the overarching topic we are trying to rank for.

Blog Every Week to Develop Page Authority-:

when we writing any blog it is not necessary that every blog post or web page we are writing needs to belong to a topic cluster. There’s also value in writing about tangential topics we are  customers care about in order to give our website authority in the eyes of Google. This will cue Google to pay extra attention our domain  name as you add content to your primary topics.Make a point to blog at least once a week. Remember, we are blogging primarily for our audience, not the search engines. Write about things our audience Or prospects are interested in, make sure we are  including relevant keywords where appropriate and our audience will slowly start to notice and click.

 Create a Link-Building Plan-: 

In the seo it is necessary to create a link building plan.In  Link-building is the primary objective of off-page SEO(search engine optimisation) and is also a huge factor to search engines rank our web pages.

Definition of link building–

Link-building is the process of attracting inbound links (it  called also  “backlinks”) to our website from elsewhere on the web. As a general rule, the more page authority the origin website has, the bigger affect it will have on the rank of the web page to which it is linking.

all the different ways we can attract inbound links to our website.When we  Write a few blog posts and share them on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn and any other social website . Consider approaching other bloggers for guest blogging opportunities through which you can link back to our website.

Another way to attract inbound links is to use our blog to post articles related to current events or news. That way, you have shot of getting linked to from an industry influences.

Latest Current on SEO News & Practices-

In this technology search engine are changing there policy. as like google change every day.The search engine space is ever-evolving. Staying on top of current trends and best practices is a difficult task, but there are multiple online resources that can make it easy for you to stay on top of SEO news and changes that may impact your website and your SEO strategy.

Here are a few resources to check out:

Search Engine Roundtable
Search Engine Land

Success of seo -:

SEO will  take a lot of time and effort. What good is spending all this time and effort. There are many metrics we can track on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to keep your SEO plan on track and measure our success.Because the metric we care about is organic traffic (traffic that comes from a given search engine), seek out a tool that allows you to track both your overall organic traffic number and how our web pages are ranking under each long-tail keyword our web pages are targeting. SEMrush is a great reporting tool for just this purpose.

Create a monthly dashboard using Excel, Google Sheets, or a web analytics package so we can monitor how much traffic comes to our website from organic search.


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